One Love & "4 Lifekeys"


Movement of Positive Master Minds Alliance to bring peace, wisdom and prosperity to The world. Concentrating on 3rd world countries starting with Sri Lanka in the East, and Going global ..into the continents.

North America includes U.S. and Canada..thank you all for your support.

This is Where East Coast Meets West Coast in One Love and bringing people in to awareness and compassion where we shall build a healthy and wise society around the world..

We begin in my birth origin, Creating Hope and safety for the future of Sri Lanka, its people and youth by an inspirational way of wisdom and manner of living named Lifekeys.

Life is a journey of knowledge and challenges..
One accumulates wisdom as youth fades. Quieten your mind and be conscious of what is going on.

Be Silent and just participate by sending out thoughts of peace..if you are cool with this...say this as often as possible..

"Make me an instrument of Love, Peace, Kindness, abundance and well being."

As you put forgiveness to work in your life, study the ideas expressed in the two following
observations. Dr. Wayne Dyer

'If we could read the secret history of our enemies,

we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility."
=Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"Tolerance comes of age, I see no fault committed that I myself could not have committed at some time or other."
- Johann W. von Goethe

Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Dr. Wayne Dyer (God bless them) it is through these teachers and many other profound contributors to humanity that i was inspired to live my purpose..I invite you to have an open mind and make the most of the awareness that I will bring you thru the daily writing.

There by bringing us all into one energy of positivity and abundance for all of is possible..I will show you how...all you have to do is just find the time to read, think about it,,and live it.. This is Your Inspirational calling...

Assimilating these thoughts will help you to practice forgiveness, Attempt to be the grace of God, and extend it to all you believe have wronged you.

I have a few topics on my discussion board I urge you all to take a stroll on these boards and according to subject please participate with your contributions...We can all Heal as we bring peace to others and our country and the entire world.. Live Love Laugh..

it only takes 1% of the worlds population to achieve this...we can do this..if we can create 1 person per house around the globe to function in a positive vibe..we are good to go....

shall write daily on the wall Its up to you what you do with the wisdom. It was given to me..and i come into it daily, i am willing to give it to you so that we can all live a value added meaningfull, contenet life. Are you willing to want it..?

Thank you and our gratitude for reading. if you read this to the very end, respect for your Positive is people like you who see no bad in anything good.


Your awareness coach..
One Love & Members only..

Contact Info.,

Soraya HMD

Toronto on,